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Your Personal Revolution!!!


01 March 2018

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Your Personal Revolution!!!

How to Radically Shift Your Life

A revolution in a personal context, is a turn around of a predominant way of thinking or doing things TO BETTER YOURSELF. Your personal revolution is that definitive change; when you decide that you want that freedom to be who you really are! You revolt against the ‘old’ way of doing things and push yourself to foster new habits. This is not easy; hence its a revolution!

A crucial part of defining your revolution is finding your centre. What is your CENTRE? It’s that ‘thing’ that is at your very core that makes you more AWARE of who you are; that ‘thing’ that you are just naturally good at and makes you feel alive! It is your centre that acts as a guide to the direction your revolution is heading. It gives you a cause, purpose and meaning.

Your CENTER is what you were put on this earth for…

Your personal revolution is not identified by its financial benefits or the exposure and popularity it gets you, no. Your revolution is not imposed upon others, nor is it manipulative; it has no ego. If successful, your revolution will reveal attributes you never thought you had, because you will place yourself in situations that challenge and push you to be better.

Your revolution will not be televised! It is not something that is shouted out for the world to know because it does not need to be. Personal revolutions take place in silence and solitude. People will know you have changed by your intentions which flow through to your actions.

In order to fully embrace the revolution, you will have to fully embrace all of you. Remember, there will be a part of you that will not want you to change. Your ‘old-self’,controlled by your ego, will want you to be as-is. It will convince you that change is uncomfortable and unnecessary. Well, the first part is right, it is uncomfortable but its extremely necessary.

Embrace ALL of you: with your past mistakes, present shortcomings and future miscalculations.

Another important fact about your revolution is that it is not forced. It organically takes shape and is centred around your immediate context and what you can control. Your revolution may have the potential to have a global effect but it starts with what you have direct control over.

So think about it… and foster that inner-awareness that will make you realise that special, unique quality you bring to this earth. Start your personal revolution today and break out of the shell of sameness; you’ll be surprised what you discover about yourself.

Thanks for reading! Please share this with someone who you feel may need it and feel free to comment below (even if you disagree with this article!) Have a powerful week. Check out my latest YAS podcast and vlog below. And remember:

Be. Authentic