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Just a hint of Narcissism, no Hubris


01 March 2018

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Just a hint of Narcissism, no Hubris

Why your Ego is needed for your Ideas

In today’s society there is an unfortunate overemphasis on self-importance, over-indulgence and the need to be seen in a certain way; to the point where the ego is now in the driver’s seat of our collective identity. In a previous 3-part blog series called “Letting the Ego Go,” I stressed the need to let your dominant identity be your true or authentic Self and not your ego. But this is not to say the ego should not play a part in your life, especially when you need to get things done. In fact, you need it! It is a vital ingredient in praxis: converting ideas to action. You can quote me on this:


“just a hint of narcissism can go a long way…”


I am in the business of idea creation and as a Critical Thought Leader I am constantly creating/linking thoughts together to formulate a new process, customise a workshop or express a new product. I am currently working on a one day interactive workshop of effective communication. What started out as an idea only a few weeks ago, is now in the production line and will soon be out on the shelves for people to experience.

The catalyst for converting what was in my head to a tangible thing is self-belief. And self-belief comes from my old friend: the ego!

Think about it, for daily things that need to get done you need to BELIEVE you can do them! From getting up out of bed and going to work, to pushing through that tough project or work-out, there is a small dose of narcissism that gets you into gear. But add too much, and you fall into arrogance and hubris. With regards to ideas development, hubris will not allow you to see when an idea needs shifting. For with hubris, comes stubbornness and an arrogance that blinds the most reasonable path to making your idea a reality.


So it’s about balance.


When the voices of self-doubt come creeping up, add another dose of narcissism to put them in their place. It is your ego that allows you to break through the barriers of uncertainty and just do what you have to. Two weeks ago I was a guest speaker at an entrepreneurship seminar and as I got to the venue I was promptly told I was the first person on the program! Immediately doubt crept in and told me all sorts of thing from “you’re not fully prepared!” to “what if you mess up the sequence of your talk?”

I was hurried to the front of the room and introduced with no time for me to even briefly review my notes: it was go time… My ego kicked into gear and gave me the needed boost of belief to deliver a strong and concise talk. It was hard to believe how a few minutes earlier, I was doubting myself.

I’ve been a public speaker for over ten years and no matter how many times I get in front of people, I still have to overcome some form of self-induced uncertainty that makes its way into my head.

Many will suggest to completely suppress or remove the ego out of your life, but this is unrealistic. Your ego is as much a part of you as is your thumb! What is important is using it in the right doses because when you do, it can propel you to excel. But like anything in life, too much of it is detrimental to your personal growth and ideas development.

Remember, its just a pinch that is needed for an enormous life shift to be made. Think of the ego as a powerful but unpredictable weapon at your disposal: it is a beautiful servant, but dangerous master.

Thanks for reading! Please share this with someone who you feel may need it and feel free to comment below (even if you disagree with this article!) Have a powerful week. Check out my latest YAS podcast and vlog below.


And remember:


Be. Authentic