8 Golden Stairs Rd, Marlborough, Harare, Zimbabwe | +263 775 122 019


Your Authentic Self

1 Mar

Strive for Life Integration not Work-Life Balance

Attaining a work-life balance is a phrase that has been thrown around by life-coaches and performance consultants for a long time. I would humbly like to challenge the very notion of achieving this balance and even go as far as saying it creates even more stress in life to mainatin it IF it is ever reached.


1 Mar

Your Personal Revolution!!!

A revolution in a personal context, is a turn around of a predominant way of thinking or doing things TO BETTER YOURSELF. Your personal revolution is that definitive change; when you decide that you want that freedom to be who you really are!


1 Mar

Want to be more Productive? Then become Authentic!

Having ‘things’ to do is actually more detrimental to your overall productivity levels than you think; especially if you have not defined what your overall purpose is.