8 Golden Stairs Rd, Marlborough, Harare, Zimbabwe | +263 775 122 019

Level Up

LevelUp is a holistic, interactive 3 month mentorship program that brings together a pool of business leaders, innovators and entrepreneurship champions who offer their time and expertise to assist emerging entrepreneurs to achieve their next stage of personal and professional growth.


How it Works
A select number of mentees are selected each quarter to participate in the program. They are tasked to take an active role in their own development by identifying and sharing their needs, being receptive to feedback, setting realistic goals, contributing ideas, asking question and communicating effectively.

Mentees are paired into groups of two, and each pair is assigned to a mentors. Mentees are carefully selected by the LevelUp organising team, and the mentor and mentees are paired depending on industry, personality and greatest potential for growth.

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LevelUp consists of six core components over its 3-months duration:

One on One Mentor-Mentee Sessions

The core aspect of the program is the direct interaction and exchange between the mentor and mentee. This is achieved by having the pairs meet, in person, once a month for the three month period. In these sessions, specific tasks are given, challenges discussed and boundaries of excellence pushed. Yet more importantly, a strong relationship is formed which allow for personal growth and mutual respect to be achieved.

Weekly Communication

It is mandatory for the mentee to contact their mentor on a weekly basis, either by skype, email, phone, watsapp or sms. In these comms, updates on your business are discussed as well as specific tasks the mentor may have given the mentee that week.

Group Sessions

In-between these meets, are Group Sessions, where all participants in the program attend. In these sessions, entrepreneurial videos were shown, panel discussions are conducted and guest speakers give input on their business journeys.

Group Strategy Sessions

These strategy sessions are held at our guest mentors homes and/or business offices. In this setting, core business strategies are discussed in detail. Mentees are also given the opportunity to ask specific questions regarding their businesses, and receive feedback on how the guest mentor handled a similar situation.

Mentee Mixes

These monthly informal sessions are strictly for the mentees to get together and share their journey with each other. Ideas are discussed and feedback was given to the LevelUp team regarding their progress in the program. This opportunity allows for mentees to see what their counterparts are going through, and by giving each other advice; members of the group build each other.

Entrepreneurship Indaba

It is important to showcase the learnings and overall growth the mentees had during the three month period. This platform is provided during the Entrepreneurship Indaba: which allows the mentees to not only speak on the lessons learnt during the program but also display their business products and services to the public. The Indaba also serves as the closing ceremony of the program.


Itayi Duve

Founder of ``Food and Co.``

``I never thought that my personal internal language affected how my business progressed. I struggled with indecision, frequent changes in strategy, a conflicted business identity and mismatched customer retention. Only after making the connection that my business was essentially an extension of my inner most held beliefs of myself did i start seeing personal and business growth. I would recommend the Level Up program to anyone seeking an authentic diagnosis of themselves and their business``

Tawanda Mudzonga

Company Name: Mawoko

``Level Up was a game-changer for me and how I perceived my business and its place in the world. I learned a lot and I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to figure out how to expand their concepts and figure out how to reach their market.`` Website /Facebook page: @Mawokobaby

Sheena Chombe

Product: Flush Toilet Cleaner

An amazing program that moulds better people, better entrepreneurs and better businesses.

Kevin Matutu

Founder, Social Media Konnect

``Undoubtedly the most profound programme I have undertaken in business training. The level of detail, guidance and support from the Level Up team and the selected mentors allowed me to re-strategize my business efficiently and effectively. Every aspiring entrepreneur should sign up for this!``

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